For as long as I could hold a pencil and form a letter, I have enjoyed writing. My kindergarten teacher, who was also my first grade teacher played a big part in my early development as a writer. She encouraged and validated me and all that I did. I was only in kindergarten for three weeks, then skipped to first grade. My teacher had both grades in one classroom.

One of my life long dreams was to write and publish a children’s book. While it was in eBook form, I accomplished my goal in June of 2019 with my children’s picture book, I Love all the Animals in this World. It is currently available on Smashwords, and other online outlets.
In addition to creating all of the content for my multiple websites, I write blogs for myself and others, as well as a monthly email newsletter. One of my current writing projects is a meditation book that I have wanted to write for years. It has the working title, The Meditation Book, and is intended to be an easily accessible class in a book. My goal is to release it as an eBook in late 2024.
The form of meditation that I practice and share with others is unique. Yes, it helps you to be in the present moment, and be more grounded and centered. But it also includes the use of visualization techniques that can assist you to let go of unwanted energies, so you have room for the energy you want in the present. They are the foundation of all that I do, and I LOVE sharing the information with anyone that could use additional tools and support in their life. They can also help when relating to your animal friends.
Another eBook due out later this year is, Spend Quality Time with Your Dog, which is inspired by my relationship with my best dog friend.
When we get ready to go on a walk we take the opportunity to enhance our day by interacting playfully, and with affection. He loves praise, pets, and gentle massage, so I take a few extra minutes to give to him in these ways. As I put on his harness and leash I talk with him, sharing my enthusiasm and gratitude for his cooperation, and what a great job he’s doing.
We’re great friends, and that is expressed during moments like this. We like to have fun, and these pre-walk exchanges are just that. Fun! Take this time, whether minutes or seconds to show your respectful appreciation for your dog friend(s). Slowing down to help get more in the present moment will add enjoyment to both of your lives.
Spending this quality time together helps us create a relaxed, pleasant energy for our walk. We are both in the present moment and ready for our next adventure together. The communication and exchange is really all about love. And it doesn’t stop there!
When we are on our walk I am present with Rock, enjoying the time, as Rock is. I’m not scrolling social media or consistently preoccupied with my phone, and other distractions. Taking this time for ourselves, both individually and together, adds more substance to our day. Did I mention fun?!
I look forward to sharing more ways for you and your dog(s) to enjoy your lives to the fullest. The techniques can enhance your experience with your cats, and other animal friends also. Oh, and people too, of course!